I played speedy chess for fun a while back; to be more precise, two previous jobs ago. That was fun. Never played Monopoly in my life. OOD for the Monopoly is an interesting problem. The game itself is very loosely defined. Players can define their own rules?!
I am here to make an attempt to crack OOD of the game.
I am here to make an attempt to crack OOD of the game.
Inheritance modeling is not so typical. To begin with, we have House, Hotel, FreePackingLot and Chance as the board slots. It's a bit stretch to use simplistic "is-a" to define all relationship. It makes sense to me to use Java's interface as the base (interface Square), House, Hotel, FreePackingLot and Chance all implement Square interface.
Dice is an excellent candidate for a immutable object. Enum is perfect fit for dice face implementation.
Command pattern can be utilized to capture players' activities, ie buy property, pay rent, make a move after roll a dice. The RequestFactory is used to generate Action based on game rules and/or player's playing strategy. A new Action could be generated (triggered) right after the completion of the first one (a player landed on a Square and decide to buy it).
The pattern Strategy is a good fit for Card implementation. Each Card has different task or a set of tasks.
MonopolyBoard consists of Squares. I used the Vistors pattern to update Square after each action is performed. Update is generated from RequestFactory, for example, rent double for Blue colored properties since a Player occupied all Blue colored property.
The most interesting part of the Framework is the rule implementation. I don't have full grasp of all Monopoly rules. One reasonable thing that we do is to implement each rule as an object, which generates the Action and Update based on the input - player's status, and chain the rule together based on priorities/preferences. Rule can be defined as game rule (task play must perform) or player's playing strategy (buy the first free property landed on wherever available).
GameFacade is a bit over simplified: each player takes turn and play. An Action gets generated and a Update created right after the completion of the Action.
I feel this framework can meet most of requirement, given that I have ZERO playing experience.
Here is the Framework in Java:
GameFacade is a bit over simplified: each player takes turn and play. An Action gets generated and a Update created right after the completion of the Action.
I feel this framework can meet most of requirement, given that I have ZERO playing experience.
Here is the Framework in Java:
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * * GameFacade for playing monopoly game * * @author lei zou * */ final public class GameFacade { private static GameFacade self; private MonopolyBoard board; private List<Player> players; private List<Card> cards; private GameFacade() { } public void reset () { String boardFile = System.getProperty("monopoly_game.xml"); board = new MonopolyBoard(boardFile); players = loadPlayers ("monopoly_player_list.xml"); cards = loadCards ("monopoly_game_cards.xml"); } public void play () { boolean noWinner=true; int playerIdx = 0; while (noWinner) { Player currentPlayer = players.get( (playerIdx++) % players.size() ); Dice dice = Dice.rollDice(); currentPlayer.addDice(dice); ActionPerform action = RequestFactory.generationNextAction(currentPlayer); while (action!=null) { SquareUpdate update = RequestFactory.generationNextUpdate (action); this.board.update(update); action = RequestFactory.generationNextAction(currentPlayer); } // check winner } } static public GameFacade getInstance() { if (self==null) self = new GameFacade(); return self; } private List<Player> loadPlayers (String fileName) { List<Player> list = new ArrayList<Player> (); return list; } private List<Card> loadCards (String cardFileName) { List<Card> list = new ArrayList<Card> (); list.add(new Card("card_one", new Card.CardActionOne() )); list.add(new Card("card_two", new Card.CardActionTwo() )); // ... return list; } public MonopolyBoard getBoard() { return board; } public void setBoard(MonopolyBoard board) { this.board = board; } }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; /** * Action class for the Monopoly game * * Command design pattern is utilized to encapsulate the request * * @author lei zou * */ public class Action implements ActionPerform { private Player[] actors; private Square currentPosition; private Square newPosition; private ActionUpdate callback; private boolean status; // Purchase property static public class PurchaseProperty extends Action implements ActionPerform { public PurchaseProperty (Square square, Player[] players, ActionUpdate callback) { super(square, players, callback); } public void execute () { // buy the property update (); } } // Pay rent static public class PayRent extends Action implements ActionPerform { public PayRent (Square square, Player[] players, ActionUpdate callback) { super(square, players, callback); } public void execute () { // pay rent update (); } } // Pay tax static public class PayTax extends Action implements ActionPerform { public PayTax (Square square, Player[] players, ActionUpdate callback) { super(square, players, callback); } public void execute () { // pay tax update (); } } // Take a card static public class DrawACard extends Action implements ActionPerform { public DrawACard (Square square, Player[] players, ActionUpdate callback) { super(square, players, callback); } public void execute () { // buy the property update (); } } // Make a move static public class MakeAMove extends Action implements ActionPerform { private int stepsForward; public MakeAMove (Square square, Player player, int steps) { super(square, new Player[] { player}, player ); stepsForward = steps; } public void execute () { // move to the next square this.setNewPosition ( GameFacade.getInstance().getBoard().nextSquare(this) ); update (); } } // Action base class public Action (Square square, Player[] players, ActionUpdate callback) { this.currentPosition = square; this.actors = players; this.callback = callback; } public void execute () { } public void update () { if (callback!=null) callback.update(this); } public Square getCurrentPosition() { return currentPosition; } public void setCurrentPosition(Square currentPosition) { this.currentPosition = currentPosition; } public Square getNewPosition() { return newPosition; } public void setNewPosition(Square newPosition) { this.newPosition = newPosition;} }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; /** * * ActionPerform Interface * * @author lei zou * */ public interface ActionPerform { void execute (); }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; /** * * ActionUpdate Interface * * @author lei zou * */ public interface ActionUpdate { void update(Action command); }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; import com.lei.oop.monopolygame.ColorGroup.COLOR; /** * Asset class, which has value, player can purchase it or need to pay rent * * @author lei zou * */ public abstract class Asset implements Square { private String name; private int purchasePrice; private int rentPrice; final private int position; final private COLOR color; private Participant owner; public Asset (int position) { this(position, null); } public Asset (int position, COLOR color) { this.position = position; this.color = color; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public int getRentPrice() { return rentPrice; } public void setRentPrice(int rentPrice) { this.rentPrice = rentPrice; } public int getPurchasePrice() { return purchasePrice; } public void setPurchasePrice(int purchasePrice) { this.purchasePrice = purchasePrice; } public int getPosition() { return position; } public COLOR getColor() {return color;} }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; /** * * Banker class * * @author lei zou * */ public class Banker extends Participant implements ActionUpdate { private int balance; public Banker (String name) { super(name); } public void update(Action command) { // update the Banker after the command action is performed. } }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; /** * * Card class for monopoly game * * Strategy pattern is utilized to implement the instructions from the Card * * @author lei zou * */ public class Card implements CardAction { static public class CardActionOne implements CardAction { public CardActionOne() {}; public void followInstruction () { System.out.println("do CardActionOne"); } } static public class CardActionTwo implements CardAction { public CardActionTwo() {}; public void followInstruction () { System.out.println("do CardActionTwo"); } } private String name; private CardAction action; public Card(String name, CardAction action) { super(); this.name = name; this.action = action; } public void move() { action.followInstruction(); } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public CardAction getAction() { return action; } public void setAction(CardAction action) { this.action = action; } public void followInstruction () { action.followInstruction(); } }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; /** * Card Action interface * * @author lei zou * */ public interface CardAction { void followInstruction () ; }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; import com.lei.oop.monopolygame.ColorGroup.COLOR; /** * Chance class, it implements Square * * @author lei zou * */ public class Chance implements Square { final private int position; final private COLOR color = null; public Chance(int position) { super(); this.position = position; } public void playerLanded (Player p) { // ... } public int getPosition() { return position; } public ColorGroup.COLOR getColor() { return color; } public void update (SquareUpdate rule) { rule.update(this); } }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * * ColorGroup class * * @author lei zou * */ final public class ColorGroup { static public enum COLOR { BLUE(1), YELLOW(2), RED(3), GREEN(4), BLACK(5), WHITE(6); private final int value; COLOR(int val) { this.value = val; } public int getValue() { return value; } } private static final Map<Integer, COLOR> IntToColorMap = new HashMap<Integer, COLOR>(); static { for (COLOR type : COLOR.values()) IntToColorMap.put(type.value, type); } public static COLOR getColor (int idx) { return IntToColorMap.get(new Integer(idx)); } }Dice.java
vp2c01b-dhcp68:LeiJava lei$ sed 's/\&/\&/g; s/\"/\"/g; s//\>/g;' ./src/main/java/com/lei/oop/monopolygame/Dice.java | sed "s/\'/\'/g;" package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * * Dice class, roll a dice and return a dice object * * @author lei zou * */ final public class Dice { static public enum DiceFace { ONE(1), TWO(2), THREE(3), FOUR(4), FIVE(5), SIX(6); static public int FaceDifference = SIX.value - ONE.value; private final int value; DiceFace(int val) { this.value = val; } public int getValue() { return value; } } private final DiceFace faceValueOne; private final DiceFace faceValueTwo; public Dice (final DiceFace faceValue1, final DiceFace faceValue2) { faceValueOne = faceValue1; faceValueTwo = faceValue2; } private static final Map<Integer, DiceFace> IntToDiceFaceMap = new HashMap<Integer, DiceFace>(); static { for (DiceFace type : DiceFace.values()) { IntToDiceFaceMap.put(type.value, type); } } final public DiceFace getFaceValueOne () { return faceValueOne;} final public DiceFace getFaceValueTwo () { return faceValueTwo;} @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("Dice [faceValueOne=").append(faceValueOne) .append(", faceValueTwo=").append(faceValueTwo).append("]"); return builder.toString(); } static public Dice rollDice () { int valOne = (int) ( (double)DiceFace.ONE.value + Math.random() * DiceFace.FaceDifference ) ; int valTwo = (int) ( (double)DiceFace.ONE.value + Math.random() * DiceFace.FaceDifference ) ; return new Dice( IntToDiceFaceMap.get(valOne), IntToDiceFaceMap.get(valTwo)); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Dice d = Dice.rollDice(); System.out.println(d); } } vp2c01b-dhcp68:LeiJava lei$
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; import com.lei.oop.monopolygame.ColorGroup.COLOR; /** * FreePackingLot class, implements Square * * @author lei zou * */ public class FreePackingLot implements Square { final private int position; public FreePackingLot (int pos) { this.position = pos; } public void playerLanded (Player p) { } public int getPosition() { return position; } public COLOR getColor () { return null; } public void update (SquareUpdate rule) { } }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; /** * * GameRule class to implement the monopoly game rules. * * @author lei zou * */ public class GameRule extends RequestGeneration { public GameRule (RequestGeneration successor) { super(successor); } public ActionPerform generationNextAction (Participant p) { ActionPerform action = null; // return action; } }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * GameStrategy to implement the monopoly game playing strategy * * @author lei zou * */ public class GameStrategy extends RequestGeneration { static private List<GameStrategy> listGameStrategy = new ArrayList<GameStrategy>(); public GameStrategy (RequestGeneration successor) { super(successor); } public ActionPerform generationNextAction (Participant p) { ActionPerform action = null; // if multiple return action; } }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.lei.oop.monopolygame.ColorGroup.COLOR; /** * * MonopolyBoard class, which is for the monopoly game board. * * @author lei zou * */ final public class MonopolyBoard { final private List<Square> squares; final private Map<COLOR, Square> ColoredPropertyMap; public MonopolyBoard(String fileName) { // load the board square from system property squares = new ArrayList<Square>(); // load the colored properties ColoredPropertyMap = new HashMap<COLOR, Square>(); } public Square nextSquare (Action move) { Square next = null; Action.MakeAMove nextMove = (Action.MakeAMove) move; if (nextMove!=null) { } return next; } public void update (SquareUpdate update) { for (Square square : squares) { square.update(update); } } }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; /** * Participant abstract class * * @author lei zou * */ public abstract class Participant { private String name; public Participant (String name) { this.name = name; } public String getName() {return name;} public void setName(String name) {this.name = name;} }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Player class * * @author lei zou * */ public class Player extends Participant implements ActionUpdate { private int money; private Square currentSquare; private List<Square> properties = new ArrayList<Square>(); private List<Dice> rolledDices = new ArrayList<Dice>(); private List<Card> cards = new ArrayList<Card>(); public Player (String name) { super(name);} void addDice (Dice dice) { rolledDices.add(dice); } public boolean pay (int amount) { this.money -= amount; return (money>0)? true:false; } public void collect (int amount) { this.money += amount; } public int getMoney() { return money; } public void setMoney(int money) { this.money = money; } public Square getCurrentSquare() { return currentSquare; } public void setCurrentSquare(Square currentSquare) { this.currentSquare = currentSquare; } public void update(Action command) { // callback to update after the action is perform } }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; import com.lei.oop.monopolygame.ColorGroup.COLOR; /** * * Property: rent, purchase price * * @author lei zou * */ public class Property extends Asset implements Square { private int rent; static public class Hotel extends Property implements Square { public Hotel (int position) { super(position); } } public Property (int position) { super(position); } public Property (int position, COLOR color) { super(position, color); } public void playerLanded (Player p) { // ... } public int getRent() { return rent; } public void setRent(int rent) { this.rent = rent; } public void update (SquareUpdate rule) { rule.update(this); } }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * RequestFactory to generate Actions and Updates * * @author lei zou * */ public class RequestFactory { static abstract class AbstractFactory { abstract ActionPerform createAction(Participant p); abstract SquareUpdate createUpdate(ActionPerform a); } static private class ConcreteFactory extends AbstractFactory { static private RequestGeneration requestGenerator = loadRequestGenerator(); static private UpdateGeneration updateGenerator = loadUpdateGenerator(); ActionPerform createAction(Participant p) { RequestGeneration proc = requestGenerator; ActionPerform action = proc.generationNextAction(p); proc = proc.next(); while (action==null && proc!=null) { // create a new request action action = proc.generationNextAction(p); } return action; } SquareUpdate createUpdate(ActionPerform a) { UpdateGeneration proc = updateGenerator; SquareUpdate update = proc.generateNextUpdate(a); proc = proc.next(); while (update==null && proc!=null) { // create new update request to update the board update = proc.generateNextUpdate(a); } return update; } static private RequestGeneration loadRequestGenerator() { RequestGeneration first = null; // return first; } static private UpdateGeneration loadUpdateGenerator() { UpdateGeneration first = null; // return first; } } private static final Map<String, AbstractFactory> FactoryMap = new HashMap<String, AbstractFactory>(); static { FactoryMap.put("Request", new ConcreteFactory()); } private static AbstractFactory pf=FactoryMap.get("Request"); static public ActionPerform generationNextAction (Participant p) { return pf.createAction(p); } static public SquareUpdate generationNextUpdate (ActionPerform a) { return pf.createUpdate(a); } }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; /** * Rule chain to generate action request * * @author lei zou * */ public abstract class RequestGeneration { private RequestGeneration successor; public RequestGeneration (RequestGeneration successor) { this.successor = successor; } public RequestGeneration next () { return successor; } public abstract ActionPerform generationNextAction (Participant p); public RequestGeneration getSuccessor() { return successor; } public void setSuccessor(RequestGeneration successor) { this.successor = successor; } }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; import com.lei.oop.monopolygame.ColorGroup.COLOR; /** * Square interface, it represent the slot on the board. * * @author lei zou * */ public interface Square { public void playerLanded (Player p); public int getPosition(); public COLOR getColor (); public void update (SquareUpdate rule); }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; /** * interface SquareUpdate to update the board squares * * Vistors pattern is used here to update Square for example double the rent, update the owner * * @author lei zou * */ public interface SquareUpdate { void update (Property property); void update (Asset asset); void update (Square square); }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; import com.lei.oop.monopolygame.ColorGroup.COLOR; /** * * double the rent for the asset square * * @author lei zou * */ public class SquareUpdateDoubleRent implements SquareUpdate { final private COLOR color; public SquareUpdateDoubleRent (COLOR color) { this.color = color; } public void update (Property property) { if (property.getColor()!=null && this.color!=null && property.getColor()==this.color) property.setRent(property.getRent()*2); } public void update (Asset asset) { } public void update (Square square) { } }
package com.lei.oop.monopolygame; /** * Rule chain for generate updates * * @author lei zou * */ public abstract class UpdateGeneration { private UpdateGeneration successor; public abstract UpdateGeneration next (); public abstract SquareUpdate generateNextUpdate(ActionPerform a); public UpdateGeneration getSuccessor() { return successor; } public void setSuccessor(UpdateGeneration successor) { this.successor = successor; } }
Well, that is it. Enjoy the Journey!
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